france, again..

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france, again..

#1 Post by rich. » Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:26 pm

anyone planning a trip to that france in the next few weeks, be aware the locals have started operation escargot complaining about the fuel prices which have shot up due to mr macaron being a greedy twat.. :evil:

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Re: france, again..

#2 Post by megadethmaniac » Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:42 pm

So what you paying? Bet its less than £1.28ul/ £1.33 Derv.

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Re: france, again..

#3 Post by GHT » Sat Oct 27, 2018 11:13 pm

Interesting point, the price of fuel. One of the spin offs for those with a vested interest in making money, and fools out of the rest of us, was the transfer to metrification. Before you dismiss me as being an old fart, a tub thumping, anti-Europe, brexiteer, consider this.

The first transfer to metric was our currency. In 1971 we went from 240 pennies to the pound, as in pounds, shillings and pence, to one hundred pennies to the pound and the shilling was consigned to history.

At the time, the average price of fuel was five shillings per gallon. That's five and a half pence per litre. The price variation from garage to garage was no more than a penny or two, which mean it was less than half of one penny in today's prices.

Since 1971, generations have grown up hardly knowing what a gallon is, those that do know have probably learned by necking eight pints (one gallon) of beer, passed out, woke up, thrown up and vowed, never again.

So today when fuel prices are shown at garages, no one would ever consider what it might cost in gallons, nor do they realise that the price variation is dramatically different when litres are translated back into gallons.

My job takes me to the West Midlands regularly, and as of yesterday, the price per litre at Frankley services on the M5 stood at £1:56.9 Let's forget the stupid one tenth of a penny and call it £1:57. Less than five miles from Frankley is the town of Bilston where you can buy your fuel at £1.27, (rounding up the fractional penny.)at The Morrisons supermarket.

Now let's convert those prices back to gallons just to see how the citizens of Bilston and the greater West Midlands, are being conned. £!.57 per litre equals £7:13 per gallon. £!:27 per litre equals £5:77 per gallon. can you imagine anyone trying to sell their fuel at a price difference of £1:36 staying in business for very long? The prices are for diesel. I'll say no more.

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Re: france, again..

#4 Post by rich. » Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:21 am

megadethmaniac wrote:
Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:42 pm
So what you paying? Bet its less than £1.28ul/ £1.33 Derv.
paying €1.46 litre for diesel & €1.56 ish for petrol.. its gone up .25 cents litre because of the vw emissions scandal :evil:

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Re: france, again..

#5 Post by Atodini » Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:01 am

A few thoughts from possibly the least political member of this forum...….

Who doubts that after March 2019 prices will, again, rocket up on everything with the blame being squarely blamed on "Brexit".....

It'll pretty much all be lies as well!!! As it was after decimalisation of the pound in 1971

Of course, once the UK is free to buy things in from anywhere in the world, everything should become cheaper, if the buyers are worth their wages - as we won't be forced to buy from EU suppliers and have to pay their "invisible" tariff on everything we import either. At present if what we want is available from an EU country then that's where we have to buy it from. Only for items not produced in the EU are we allowed to trade outside the bloc, and then the EU is reluctant to permit us to, arguing for us to buy an alternative that is available, or just do without. Most of us of a certain age should be able to remember New Zealand Lamb disappearing from the shops shortly after "Grocer" Heath signed up to the then "Common Market" over 40 years ago!

I doubt though that the insidious "metrication" will stop after leaving - it's everywhere now. Who else has noticed that following major works, motorway junctions are now counted down in one third of a mile increments, rather than one quarter, and shorter distances change from yards to meters?? It has not escaped my notice that a third of a mile is very close to half a kilometre. It's also compulsory for new cars' speedometers have by law to be calibrated for both, in fact has been for a long while now.

Oh and, for the record, I voted remain in the referendum, simply on a "devil you know" basis. Except that since the referendum I've realised that what we have been force fed for decades about the EU is all lies and in fact I knew nothing (or at least nothing tangible) - in fact from a personal point of view, I cannot possibly see any benefit whatsoever for ordinary people like me. Only the "fat cats" - politicians, bankers, investors, in fact the useless third of the "workforce" who produce nothing but pocket the bulk of the profits, actually make anything out of it - seems the bloc "Czars" know exactly whom to buy to maintain control!!!

"I thought I was wrong once - But I was wrong"...

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Re: france, again..

#6 Post by JPB » Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:22 am

Atodini wrote:
Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:01 am
It's also compulsory for new cars' speedometers have by law to be calibrated for both
I've been ahead of the game for three years now, both the modern and the twenty one year old, kitten-sized 4x4 read only in KM and KM/H, I had to memorise the 0.6217 times table of course, but that's fine and I've yet to pick up any speeding penalties since leaving the archaic system of pre-metric measurement behind: ;)


As for the leaving or otherwise of the EU and its implications; who came up with the word "Brexit?" Why not adopt UKTV's approach and give it a friendly name such as "Dave?" OK, that one's taken, so how about "Big Nigel?" No? OK then, Brexit it is. :( :mrgreen:
"Home is where you park it", so the saying goes. That may yet come true.. :oops:

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Re: france, again..

#7 Post by rich. » Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:29 pm

hmm i won't get into the brexit balls up debate..apart from i know for an original working guillotine, i can think of at 600+ useless twats that would really benefit from its services... drove past the petrol station today & diesel is now €1.48 :evil: :evil: :evil:
on a lighter note, John you seem to have another parking space between cars.. ;) ;) ;)

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Re: france, again..

#8 Post by JPB » Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:01 pm

That photo dates back to May, or was it June? Not sure without looking at the flickr image info. Since taking that, the Paj lives on my neighbour's drive :oops: , the Toyota that was Dad's is down by the kitchen wall that's disguised as a garage door because of a missive in the village that forbids certain things, including building walls for kitchen extensions that utilise garage space, so the actual wall is behind that old door, my daily bB is where it is in the image since it doesn't use oil and can be left on a hill without worrying about having the engine horizontal for checking the dipstick, and sometimes there's an extra car on the front lawn when Heather comes round to give me earache.
However, next door is a corner plot and has a larger garden, so I'm trying to persuade them to sell me some of the land for a double garage-sized "garden shed" type of building, but it wouldn't be an actual garage, :oops: those missives again.. ;)
"Home is where you park it", so the saying goes. That may yet come true.. :oops:

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Re: france, again..

#9 Post by rich. » Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:28 am

until you get your garage/shed/massage parlour/missive built in the garden, you could use this...
i like it just because of the name :oops: :lol: :lol:

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Re: france, again..

#10 Post by JPB » Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:37 am

That is a most interesting van, it also has a happy face. I do like a vehicle with as happy face. :oops: :mrgreen:
"Home is where you park it", so the saying goes. That may yet come true.. :oops:

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