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Three brake cylinders ...

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:39 pm
by gazza82
... on one wheel?

How many cars apart from Alfa Guilia have that set-up??

Re: Three brake cylinders ...

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:17 pm
by suffolkpete
So you were watching Car SOS last night too? I've never seen that set up before.

Re: Three brake cylinders ...

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:06 pm
by History
Some cars had 4 cylinders and shoes per wheel.

Some such as Bentley R type had 2 cylinders working 4 shoes at the front. The back had 1 cylinder called an expander which worked the handbrake linkage which worked both rear brakes. The Front brakes were worked off a master cylinder. The master cylinder was worked by a friction clutch driven by the gearbox box. The faster the car went the more powerful the brakes. If the rear wheels locked the hydraulics would release thus unlocking the brakes. The initial application of brakes worked the hand brake only and applied the gear box brake servo clutch.
The front brakes only work if the rear wheels are turning.

The system was designed by Hispano Squeezey and licence to Rolls-Royce and used on Phantoms up to about 1970. After that the system went to disc all round and full power hydraulics at 2600 psi.

Re: Three brake cylinders ...

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:33 pm
by JPB
gazza82 wrote:...How many cars apart from Alfa Guilia have that set-up??
Never one to shy away from a challenge :lol: , I had a look through the lining catalogues that I have in the house, figuring that shoes which have that large a radius, yet are so short, must be easy enough to spot on the pages where the shoes' shapes are seen in profile.
Oh bugger. Fail! :(
I couldn't find anything between Daf clutch shoes, of which there are eight fitted to the flywheel, and Honda Activa clutch shoes which come in threes but brake shoes in odd quantities? :idea: Reliant Regal, Ant, Zoe, Robin and Rialto have six shoes per vehicle, does that count as five cars?