Japanese language translation wanted.

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Japanese language translation wanted.

#1 Post by JPB » Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:48 am

OK, so there's a limit to my ability to read Japanese, in fact the only three fragmentary kana I understand are those which make up the Toyota badge on the rump of my bB. :( So I was wondering if the forum member who has passed his Japanese O level might be up for helping out?
Essentially, the help I need is with working out how to perform various region-specific changes to the menus in the bB's (hideously complex, thank f*** it does essentially work) Clarion NX309 wireless set. I'm on top of the basics as the symbols for some functions are universal but I'd love to be able to save changes made to the time display and to store the keyboard settings when I change that from Japanese to latin & numerical.
I've managed to select radio & tv sound so that FM goes all the way down to the 108MHz end of the band rather than the 90MHz where radio coverage stops in Japan, I've also learned to interpret the car's talking dashboard voice because her patter is accompanied by little lamps that come up on the dash and, by disconnecting stuff one bit at a time to introduce "fault" conditions, I now know which spoken phrase matches each lamp but I'd love to get the set fully working as a map of Kobe isn't the most useful default screen view! :lol:

Aron, are you well just now and if so, can you take a look at the online manual for the NX309 and provide some basic translations for its menus, pretty please with cherries on top? I shall owe you a massive favour if you can do this.

"Home is where you park it", so the saying goes. That may yet come true.. :oops:

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Re: Japanese language translation wanted.

#3 Post by JPB » Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:04 pm

Aye, good old Clarion's Ts & Cs make the constitution of [insert name of favourite country here] appear about as complex as a game of noughts & crosses, they will only give me permission to download an English language version of the manual for my wireless if I can provide proof that I actually own the device. Quite why anyone would seek out and steal a radio that only ever works properly in its native country is beyond me, Clarion must be sick of people doing just that. At least I assume that this is why their technical information is so closely guarded.
I feel a shopping trip to Halfords coming up. Buying a UK radio that does the same stuff is certain to be less stressful in the long term!
:shock: ;)

(OK, so when I say "shopping trip" and "Halfords", I should explain that I'll go there to listen to what's available and then find my chosen device - for a quarter of the money - on a website..)

"Home is where you park it", so the saying goes. That may yet come true.. :oops:

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