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London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:17 pm
by hornchurchmale
according to Classic car weekly any vehicle now noted as 'historic' ( over 40 years old) is free from both congestion and emission charges.. tempting to dive my car through london lol but doubt it would make it. ( rover p6) plus I hate traffic.
still at least they got round banning the London to Brighton race. I was one of those who partook in the public consultation for proposals to start charging cars both for congestion and emissions.
the emissions rules being forced by EU reg's ( or a very very large fine on London) due to air quality so poor. many of us also pointe out it seemed unfair that boats on Thames ( very bad polluters) and all motor bikes will be exempt ( why? do they not emit poisonous gasses too?) they have given 3 years to owners in London to comply with regs. so clean up your classic exhaust ( is it possible?) or get rid of car or pay a daily charge. ( rich can ignore this issue) :)
so overall going in right direction for getting air cleaned up. not happy about bikes being excluded ( do the law makers own bikes by any chance?) as have been sat next to a few over the years and trying to breathe isn't easy unless you enjoy a nice blue haze and blurred vision when one is front at lights on you car window open or on a bicycle.

Re: London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:46 am
by Luxobarge
Moved to "Off Topic"....


Re: London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:28 am
by rich.
from what i have seen paris is really suffering at the moment & a lot of pollution is from europe... also heard wood burners are bad for the environment too... are we supposed to stay at home & freeze?

Re: London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:18 am
by sierra3dr
rich. wrote:... also heard wood burners are bad for the environment too...
what sort of engine have you got? :D Operating on wood gas...throwing it in as you drive along :mrgreen:

Re: London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:28 am
by JPB
sierra3dr wrote:...
what sort of engine have you got? :D Operating on wood gas...throwing it in as you drive along :mrgreen:
Funnily enough, I just found some film footage of our Rich travelling along the French equivalent of the A697:


Rich, shut that firebox, your wood will fall out all over the road otherwise! :lol:

Re: London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:31 am
by Martin Evans
I think it’s a pretty inescapable fact that the Earth is over populated and I can’t help feeling that at some point, something will go wrong, that could cause drastic reductions in population (Perhaps a war over diminishing resources). We are all only here as temporary tenants and I hope that I will be able to lead a full life before the crunch comes. I actually pity those born these days, as I don’t know that they will be able to achieve that aim.

My father well remembers London “Pea soupers” and now something else has cropped up, that is perhaps as bad, if not as obvious when it happens. The only way, to curtail these things, is to cut back. Even if technology can come up with a solution to pollution, I’m not so sure that it can come up with a means of replacing resources.

Nobody ever mentions air travel. I am sure that the airports around London are adding to the levels of pollution (I think I’m right in saying that Heathrow has an aeroplane landing or taking off every other minute or so). I have seen a statistic that says aviation uses enough fuel in one day, to keep everything else going for a period measured in years.

Our politicians are basically sales people, trying to sell an idea to the voters. If they were to point out some hard facts and tell voters what they don’t wish to hear, they would never get elected. Therefore if they said that everyone would get an energy ration, so that commuting 60 miles to work and jetting off to Spain three times a year, would no longer be possible, they would lose their deposits. If they advocated that people should make do and mend more, the result would be the same. Lots of people like to be trendy and claim to be “Green” but I am once again reminded of Tony Hancock and his “Wild man of the woods” episode - . When it comes down to it, we all want to be “Near the shops” and far too many people are concerned with “Keeping up with the Jonses”, thus fuelling their wishes to consume.

With three classic cars, many would say that I am in no position to lecture anyone and if they happened to be Aborigines, they would have a point. However were they many other people living in Britain (Or many other parts of the developed world), I’m not so sure. Afterall, I have owned the Midget for 31 years, the V8 has been with us almost as long and the Morris has been with me for 12 years (How many cars have Mr & Mrs Mondeo consumed over that period?). Even allowing for my marathon drive to Le Mans and then on to Civray last year, I still cycled more miles than I drove. I suspect most people consume one hell of a lot more than I do (I haven’t flown for eight years and have no plans to do so any time soon….I wouldn’t mind another trip to Austria but I don’t crave it) and that many of them would think I lead a very dull life. I don’t care what people think…..perhaps assume is a better word!!!

Re: London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:24 am
by sierra3dr
JPB wrote: Funnily enough, I just found some film footage of our Rich travelling along the French equivalent of the A697:
that's well funny :lol:
Martin Evans wrote:I think it’s a pretty inescapable fact that the Earth is over populated
true,that's why I haven't bred. I would like to have children,but why produce another human to a horrible world,where the economy goes pear shaped,making it difficult to earn a decent living.
Martin Evans wrote: I can’t help feeling that at some point, something will go wrong, that could cause drastic reductions in population (Perhaps a war over diminishing resources).

Quite possibly,the melting of the polar ice caps will increase flood catastrophes. And the planet might experience another Ice Age
Martin Evans wrote:Nobody ever mentions air travel. I am sure that the airports around London are adding to the levels of pollution (I think I’m right in saying that Heathrow has an aeroplane landing or taking off every other minute or so). I have seen a statistic that says aviation uses enough fuel in one day, to keep everything else going for a period measured in years.

It's a known fact. But to step in on such industry would effect jobs
Martin Evans wrote:Our politicians are basically sales people, trying to sell an idea to the voters. If they were to point out some hard facts and tell voters what they don’t wish to hear, they would never get elected.
Of course,I think most have elocution lessons to market themselves
Martin Evans wrote:With three classic cars, many would say that I am in no position to lecture anyone

As we know,production of a vehicle is worse than the emissions a vehicle emits. So you can lecture those with new cars
Martin Evans wrote:many of them would think I lead a very dull life. I don’t care what people think…..perhaps assume is a better word!!!
I live a dull life,well,that's what my mate (failed three marriages) tells me. I tell him it 's great,I'm happier as I do not get any family aggro

Re: London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 1:23 pm
by Martin Evans
There is a lot to be said for ploughing your own furrow :D :!: I hope I still feel this way in 30 years (If I don't then it'll be a bit late :lol: ). Nearly got hooked but managed to extricate myself, when I realised that actually, I was happy the way I was. Not something I enjoyed or feel proud of but it had to be done, before it was too late.

Re: London emissions and congestion charges.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:49 pm
by rich. ... -1vTGOFAfM

ive got 3 kids & love every minute! ok now ive found my wallet has pics of kids where the money used to be... :lol: