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Re: kitt

#11 Post by Maaarrghk » Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:05 pm

Thanks Terry. I've always been a fan of Edd Chine since his mini powered sofa days.

I don't get tailgated much as I tend to drive at the right speed for the conditions irrespective of what the speed limit might be.

However, for those odd occasions when it does happen, I was thinking of a hydraulic ram with a hardenend bodkin tip that I could operate at the same time as dabbing the brakes. Extend, brake, retract and away - straight through the radiator and engine block. It would probably need to go on a strong chassis like a Land Rover product though.

Edds rocket gave me another idea. Instead use those lighter fuel powered "potato bazookas" that can be made out of pvc pipe fittings - try to use at least Sch 10 (preferably Sch 40) to avoid the thing blowing up, especially in cold weather.

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