Long range weather forecast! WINTER WILL BE EARLY THIS YEAR

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Long range weather forecast! WINTER WILL BE EARLY THIS YEAR

#1 Post by Mitsuru » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:56 pm

While mother was taking me shopping for car parts and food.
She asked if I had heard any long range weather forcasts for the end of October
and the beginning of November?

I said no and asked why!

Mother then said that someone she knows came in and was discussing horse related
stuff and got onto the subject of the long range weather forecast for the field and hay
supply due to last years winter blast causing shortages!

Apparently winter will hit earlier and harder this year according to them after seeing this

Anybody know if this guy is pulling mothers leg or if there is some truth to it?

(Edited due to later posts)
Last edited by Mitsuru on Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Someone pulling mother's leg on weather forecast!

#2 Post by JPB » Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:26 pm

Well, last winter when we were stranded with no mains electricity (generator bought and installed since - check!), no water (two cases of Cheviot Spring per household, distributed by the postie in his Land Rover - check!) and no gas for the heating as the tank in the garden relies on mains electricity to pump the damned stuff into the house, the first thing that was heard from the BBC when the 'leccy came back up was that this current pattern is likely to be around for four or five years before we see another few mild winters. This conclusion had been drawn by a man with a really impressive beard, so it must be true. :roll: :mrgreen:
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Re: Someone pulling mother's leg on weather forecast!

#3 Post by Mitsuru » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:43 pm

So prepare for the worst then!!!
And pray it doesn't get as bad as it was then!
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Re: Someone pulling mother's leg on weather forecast!

#4 Post by JPB » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:57 pm

Well there's sweet bugger all that any of us can do to change the weather, so I say let's all enjoy the extra days off work and look forward to spring. 8-)
"Home is where you park it", so the saying goes. That may yet come true.. :oops:

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Re: Someone pulling mother's leg on weather forecast!

#5 Post by Martin Evans » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:04 am

If you want training to be a politician, join the Met Office :!: They just seem to issue conflicting forecasts, in the hope that one will prove correct (Which will then be used as proof that they are doing a good job). Bunch of lying barstewards; in my neck of the wood, Winter hasn't really ended since the end of 2006 :!:
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Re: Someone pulling mother's leg on weather forecast!

#6 Post by gospel » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:44 pm

I'd hate to be one of those people in the Met Office, they must go to work and be like 'Oh, ****!'... It's like a Robin Williams joke, where he said the poor dogs in Utah (the whitest state in the US) were looking for Antrax...

But anyway, winter..... It would be great to get a bloody atypical winter for once and have heat, rather than keep having atypical summers that are too cold and it keeps raining. Seriously, what's wrong with the world? Last year, we had 2 weeks of good weather, this year it was two weekends! What the hell? I am going to Rio, screw this...

(oh, if only I could.......)
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Re: Someone pulling mother's leg on weather forecast!

#7 Post by Mitsuru » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:48 pm

We have more details!!!!!!!!!!!
Batten down the hatches and winterize you homes and motors!!
Winter is coming early this year!
stuartd of Practical Performance Cars Magazine Forum wrote:Most of the long range crystal ball forcasters are saying late October / November could see some snow, but they're all a bit vague about the amounts and areas.

Try having a look athttp://positiveweathersolutions.co.uk/U ... recast.php or
http://www.exactaweather.com/UK_Long_Ra ... ecast.html
Winter 2011-12 Update

As we head towards winter, I expect to see the first signs of some moderate to heavy snowfalls as early as October
or November in certain parts of the UK. In terms of the meteorological winter, I expect December, January, and
February to experience below average temperatures, with the heaviest snowfalls occurring within the time frame of
November to January across many parts of the UK.

The most important factor within our weather forecasting calculations is solar activity and other major natural factors
that it influences. Radiant energy from the sun is the primary influence on both the earth's ocean and atmosphere.

Low solar activity and ocean behaviour alter atmospheric circulation and block jet stream patterns that create enhanced
moisture in terms of snowfall. The UK and Ireland is hit by prolonged periods of extreme cold and snow from the Arctic
regions, as cold easterlies or north-easterlies develop. Huge swirly low pressure systems also offer the potential for
widespread disruption from heavy snowfall across many parts of the UK including the South, as they clash with the
predominant cold air over the UK.

Coupled with other in depth factors such as recent volcanic activity and changes to the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic drift
that we consider, this does not bode well for the severity of the UK and Northern European winter of 2011-12. Frequent
and prolonged cold spells with heavy dumps of snow from blizzard like conditions is likely across many parts of the UK.
The areas we expect to be worse hit throughout include the vast majority of Scotland and the Scottish Highlands,
Northern England, and Northern Ireland. We have particular concerns as to the huge implications that this may pose to
the infrastructure of the UK and Ireland transportation systems/economy.
So here we have the responce to the Forecast stated above!!!
Kerry Stewart, MSN news reporter, 23/09/2011 15:11 wrote:Local councils prepare for early winter

Councils are preparing for the possibility of snowfalls as soon as October by filling up stockpiles of salt and readying

With autumn just beginning, the Local Government Authority is checking on regional preparations to ensure the country
avoids the kind of chaos seen last winter.

Forecaster warns of October snow

Warnings that the first widespread snow of the season could come as soon as October had prompted concern that
local authorities could be caught unprepared. The situation last year, when a number of councils ran out of grit and
had to close roads as a result, had added to the concern.

But Simon Ward of the LGA said everything was ready for an immediate response when the cold snap hits.
"Councils place orders for salt all year round to ensure their barns are well-stocked for dealing with snow, whenever
it may fall," he explained, adding: "Should we get snow next month, gritting crews will be working tirelessly around
the clock to make the roads as safe as they possibly can."

The LGA have conducted a survey asking councils to list the stock level of salt and grit they have in store to ensure
they have adequate supplies to deal with whatever conditions are thrown at them.
Then there is this!!!!!

http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/forecasters-w ... in-october
bing MSN UK News, 20th sept 2011 15:08 wrote:Forecasters warn of snow in October

Dig out your hat and scarf and get ready for an early winter; forecasters are predicting that snow will fall in Britain as
early as next month.

Temperatures will fall sharply over the coming months and are forecast to drop below average for the time of year.

Long-range forecasters at Exacta Weather have also said that we should brace ourselves for another brutal winter from
December through to February.

James Madden said: "As we head towards winter, I expect to see the first signs of some moderate to heavy snowfalls as
early as October or November in certain parts of the UK.

"I expect December, January, and February to experience below-average temperatures, with the heaviest snowfalls
occurring within the time frame of November to ­January across many parts of the UK."

Mr Madden added that the UK will face ­"prolonged periods of extreme cold and snow from the Arctic regions as cold
easterlies or north-easterlies develop".

The Met Office also warned that we should expect colder-than-average nights at the beginning of October, which would
bring with them the chance of overnight frosts. The Midlands and the South-east are expected to bear the brunt of the
cold snap.

Heavy snowfall and freezing conditions have caused chaos across Britain for the last two winters and it looks like we
can expect more of the same this time round.
Sorry for the long post!
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Re: Someone pulling mother's leg on weather forecast!

#8 Post by jimmyybob » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:01 pm

The fact is they dont know there is a big ass computer working out a 'best guess' based on previous years activity.

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Re: Long range weather forecast! WINTER WILL BE EARLY THIS

#9 Post by rich. » Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:46 am

there was an snowfall in the alps last week ... dont know if that means anything.

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Re: Long range weather forecast! WINTER WILL BE EARLY THIS

#10 Post by Mitsuru » Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:48 am

rich. wrote:there was an snowfall in the alps last week ... dont know if that means anything.
Last edited by Mitsuru on Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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