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Re: Mini bi-motor

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 3:41 pm
by zipgun
Despite keep getting " You are permanantly banned from this forum " as home page , i'm still here and able to log in ! What's that all about ???

Slightly off topic though , i was looking at the guts in a crop sprayer a few years ago, those ones with tall skinny wheels . It had a Cavalier /Astra diesel and F20 gearbox but set inline so the driveshafts were then propshafts.. driving front and rear axle diffs, to give 4 wheel drive .

Re: Mini bi-motor

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:19 pm
by TerryG
Periodically we have a requirement to ban IP addresses of persistent spammers. It is possible that if you have a dynamic IP you have been allocated a blocked address. When you are experiencing that message, if you visit and post (or PM me if you prefer) what your IP address is, i can have a look at sorting it out.
We normally don't block UK assigned addresses but one may have slipped through.

Re: Mini bi-motor

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:08 pm
by zipgun
The car sites i visit (that are in my favorites) like practically classics, Impact bumpers , DDK , Retrorides etc dont work periodically , 1 - 2 months ,and it comes up with a window saying The target "" of this Internet shortcut is invalid . Go to the property sheet and make sure the target is correct . As if the site has been updated ,and my favorite shortcut is obsolete..? So i just google say " Practically classics" open the site , right click" add to favorites" and overwrite the previous Practically classics favorite.. Works everytime . I didnt get that message this time though , all i got was YOU'RE BANNED !

Re: Mini bi-motor

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:15 pm
by Luxobarge
You're not the only one - happens to me regularly, I just refresh or log in again and it usually works after a while. I think it's happening to a number of other folk too - as Terry says, they're working on it and hopefully the problem will disappear. It is neccessary however to have anti-spammer processes for the forum, without them we get 5-15 a day try and join, and it's a huge overhead to get rid of them manually - trust me, I've done it! Hope you understand.

Thanks for staying with us though - trust me, you're one of the last people that'll actually get banned from here!

Cheers :D

Re: Mini bi-motor

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:22 am
by JPB
So, on the twin engined idea; I wondered whether that mahoosive space behind the back seat in the daily driver may be useful for something other than carrying its own replacement back bumper home from the breaker's yard after the imbecile in the remains of the Clio that rear ended me refused to inform his own insurance company, etc.
Not expecting a potato giraffe trumpet, I set about DuckDuckGo-ing for "twin engined Toyota AE92 Liftback" and found

Mine is even more suitable because both front and rear transmission units will be automatic, so all I have to do is find a healthy second engine, this time with the rear end of an early MR2 auto attached to it.
I wouldn't want to be seen in the one in that clip, it's the colour. I mean; matt vomit green, what were they thinking of? :lol:

Right then, where did I put the charger for the angle grinder... :twisted: