Our Midge!! (1979 Midget)..

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Our Midge!! (1979 Midget)..

#1 Post by johnbaz » Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:10 pm

Hi all

Here's our Midge, I 'won' her on fleabay for £450..

The car was local to me so I arranged to view it first, all the floors, boot and underbonnet were rock solid but most of the panels had tinworm at the bottoms..

Our Midge..



I started the welding but was stopped by the onset of winter (there's no room in the garage to work so it's on the drive for repairs :( )

The following spring (last year), I was eager to get stuck in but an accident at work saw me in a bit of a state for about eight months- back to work for month or so, then another accident saw me incapaicitated for another month (hot steel tube through my boot and well in to my foot :evil:

Hopefully, no more accidents now though the first accident (a fall from height) has left me strugglinmg to kneel down so cushions will be the order of the day :oops:

Anyhow, I still have 22 days holiday left this year so I may get some work carried out before the weather starts to deteriorate 8-)

A few pics...

The n/s rear wing was shot so I bought a replacement and the panel that goes just inside (can't remember the name!)..




Both sills are in excellent order luckily..

I tried taking the roof down without reading the handbook and in sub-zero temps, result was no windows left :lol: , the ragtop needed replacing anyhow as it had shrunk!!, I have a hardtop sitting on it at the moment!!!

No windows :oops:

Leading edge of the o/s inner wing was bad so I chopped it back to good steel and welded a plate in..

The 'orrible lumps of rubber aren't going back on so the big holes for the indicators are being welded over along with a few patches applied!!

It looks like there's a dent in this pic but there isn't in reality..


The leading edge of the bonnet is riddled with rot so I managed to buy a load of spares, there was a bonnet included, it too had some rot but not as much as the original so I set about cutting back to thicker steel and patched it again!!, i've not done too good of a job filling and undercoating it as my brother is going to paint it for me when the welding is all finished..


Patched and fettled..

A bit of filler applied..

And a bit of primer laid on, it was aerosol so pretty thin and still wet in the pic..

The hardtop that came with the car, it's in need of a paint and new window rubbers, the windows are acrylic sheet and are opaque but can be brought back to their original condition with T-Cut or Brasso or any other metal polish..


I've just been and stuck a gallon of petrol in her and she took an age to start, I checked for a spark- that was fine so I removed the fuel feed to the front SU and turned her over- there was petrol there so what could be wrong??
It just turned out to be that the patrol took a long time to get dragged through the system :oops:

After the car had warmed enough to take the choke fully off, i dipped the clutck, went for first... it was totally solid :roll:
A few minutes later when there was some heat in the clutch, I pumped the pedal a few times and tried again- it engaged with a bit of a clunk!!, it's totally fine now so I went forwards a little, the brakes weren't siezed so all was fine- I must rem,ember to start the car more often than once a year though :oops:

More to come as I do stuff to 'Our Midge' ;)

Cheers, John

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Re: Our Midge!! (1979 Midget)..

#2 Post by vintagemotor » Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:09 pm

Looking good mate. Can't wait to see how it progresses :)
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